Consulta con el Dr. Ángel Enchev

We understand that your time is valuable as we set aside some time especially for your consultation, so we provide some tips to assist you in any way ...
leer másInformación preoperatoria del paciente

Once you have decided to undergo plastic surgery and several days are remaining, it is necessary to carefully consider and plan the postoperative ...
leer másLos alimentos y medicamentos para evitar

Probably, when adopting to various medications, food supplements and other drinks affect blood clotting during surgery, to reflect the performance of ...
leer másInstrucciones Post-op

Después de su salida del hospital y una vez que está en su casa, recuerde que debe seguir estrictamente las instrucciones ...
leer másProceso de curación después de la operación

Once you have undergo a plastic surgery procedure that you may have waited a long time, it comes a time to be patient and wait, for your body to ...
leer másPrevenir o minimizar las cicatrices

Making an incision in the skin typically requires cutting through all of the layers of the skin, can result in scarring, regardless of where on the ...
leer másEmbarazo аfter abdominoplastia

Women who are planning on a future pregnancy should consider waiting before having a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) surgery. It is preferable to be done ...
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