Récupération après la chirurgie plastique - processus post-opératoire

Récupération après la chirurgie plastique - processus post-opératoire

Once you have undergo a plastic surgery procedure that you may have waited a long time, it comes a time to be patient and wait, for your body to heal. Unfortunately, a surgeon’s scalpel and skills are not a magic wand and the healing will occur at a different rates for different patients. You must allow yourself to heal properly and be aware that it is natural to be impatient for the outcome and sometimes you can feel a little depressed because you often look worse before you look better. Being aware that this can happen will help you confront these feelings and not let them take over your mind.

If you choose to share your feelings with friends and family they can be supportive, but sometimes they may unintentionally make you question your decision with concerns during your recovery process. Your healing will depend on many things such as your general health, your willingness to follow instructions, and your mental attitude towards recovery. Even surgeries that are done exactly right, can have complications during recovery, because of a patients attitude and willingness to follow the post-operative instructions given by the surgeon. It is up to the patient to be an active participant in the recovery process to help the body heal the best that it can.

Dr. Angel Enchev and his team have been through this many more times than you and we know what constitutes a good recovery, so if we tell you that everything is healing normally, it is.Following all of our instruction is very important, as is working with us to address your surgery and especially your recovery with the mindset that we are a team, and you are an important part of that team. We must trust each other to be working towards a best possible outcome, your successful results.