Façonner les biceps

Façonner les biceps avec des implants de silicone

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A cosmetic procedure that creates muscular definition and increased mass/fullness in the upper arm area. This procedure is specifically useful for those men and women who, even after extensive muscular conditioning, or injury, can’t achieve the upper arm toning they desire.

Who Are The Best Candidates?

Bicep and Tricep implants can create muscular definition and increased mass/fullness in the upper arm area. This procedure is specifically useful for those men and women who, even after extensive muscular conditioning, can't achieve the upper arm toning they desire. Bicep Implants and Tricep Implants are also recommended for those unique instances when an injury has occurred and muscle mass augmentation is needed to achieve normal balance.

About the Procedure and Recovery Time:

An incision is made, a soft, solid silicone implant is cut to specifically fit each patient and inserted into the pocket. A very small dressing is placed and the patient can typically see the change immediately after surgery.

During the recovery period, the patient is instructed not to lift their arms for two days after surgery. Dressings are then removed followed by a gentle exercise program within 1-2 weeks to enable a full and comfortable range of motion of the arms. Generally within a week or two, physical use of the upper body muscles may be resumed and within one month, full muscular activity may be recommenced.