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Do your homework when seeking surgery of this kind. Many cosmetic and general surgeons advertise their expertise in pec implants but you will do well to search out a plastic surgeon that has considerable experience in doing pec implants on bodybuilders. The planning that goes into determining the correct shape and size of implant to be used is as important as the surgery itself. After all, if the implant size is incorrect or the shape is wrong, the result of even the most technically perfect surgical procedure can be a disaster because it will not satisfy the needs or desires of the patient.Body implant surgery is definitely one area that you do not wish to have to repeat.
Patients who have no particular issues such as asymmetry or congenital or traumatic deformities will usually be able to use one of the plastic surgeon's "stock" implants. These are custom implants whose particular configuration is varied as needed but do not require a total customized design. Those men who have need of totally custom implants will need to have a moulage (a mold) of the chest done so that a wax (or other material) sculpture of the proposed implant can be made and then fitted to the chest before having the implants manufactured by a custom implant manufacturer.
As with all surgery, certain medicines and most supplements along with alcohol and recreational drugs must be stopped for several weeks prior to surgery. Anabolic steroids including large-dose testosterone should be stopped at least 6 weeks or more prior to surgery. Many drugs and supplements can cause blood not to clot leading to a number of complications. Follow your surgeon's orders exactly.
Be sure to ask ALL of your questions at the initial consultation. If you don't like the answers or you don't have a good vibe with that surgeon, move on until you do.
Pec implants are usually done as outpatient surgery under general anesthesia. The average time in the operating room is about 2 hours. An incision of about 2 inches is made in the axilla (arm pit) and a pocket to receive the implant is developed under the pectoralis major muscle. (Be leery of any proposed incisions outside of the axilla as scars on the chest area are almost always visible.) In most cases, the implant should fit completely under the existing muscl After the incision is closed with several layers of suture, long acting local anesthetic is instilled into the pocket with the implant to control pain and the patient is fitted with an elastic compression vest to minimize swelling or implant shift. The patient is then moved to the postanesthesia recovery room for a short time before being allowed to go home.
Outpatient surgery allows the patient to leave the surgery unit shortly after the operation is complete but that does not mean that he is free to do whatever. Postoperatively the patient should remain in bed for the 24 hours after surgery, getting out of bed only to use the bathroom. Snoozing the first 24 hours is the best thing you can do as it allows the body to begin the healing process immediately and keeps the blood pressure normal so as not to produce bleedingPain is to be expected as there are numerous pain fibers in muscle. The doctor will have prescribed something for pain, swelling, muscle spasm and antibiotics usually.Use only as directed and do not take any other medicines or supplements not prescribed. For the first week, you activity will be severely restricted, especially the use of your arms. When pain, swelling and stiffness of surgery decline, let your doctor know as he will then increase your activity level. Remember, while the incision will heal within 14 days, the area about the implant does not heal for 6 weeks. You do not want to stress that area too early which may result in complications.You may usually return to the gym between 4 and 6 weeks. Your physician will most likely see you 2-3 days after your surgery, then weekly for 2-3 times, then at 6 weeks, 3 months, 6 months and a year postop.
Complications are possible with any surgical procedure. However, you can reduce their rate of occurrence by following the doctor's pre- and post-operative instructions exactlyMost complications of cosmetic surgery procedures are not surgical errors but healing complications that are frequently the results of hematoma (bleeding), seroma (collection of tissue fluid), delayed wound healing, implant dislocation due to excessive early activity, or undesirable results due to miscommunication between doctor and patient (too large, too small, wrong shape).